Homemade flying wing
What happens if heat shrink gets ratty and battery connectors short against a carbon heli frame (he was very lucky he was wearing glasses).
Sly in a good mood
Victor and his new-found love
Alan is almost happy
Impromptu Origami session
Dave Finkelstein gets in on it
Where to put the servos...
Everything including sailboats…
”Carpet Racers” premiere
Q&A after the movie
Best Birthday Present EVER !!
Lenny w/ Jaco-tire mini-Revo side-by-side w/ stock version
Leo's Parkzone Wildcat w/ landing gear from Pkz J-3 ($6)
Wolf likes what he sees
Joe the Plumber & his pipe-inspection crawler
James and home-made CNC
Chaya and 2 science fair projects
Ben starting out
Paul w/ new scale body
Frank and his r/c Guillows #75 airplane
DIY Foamie
Danny and his stretched (24" aluminum angle rails) Jato
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